Who We Are
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2
Through our books.
Through our podcasts - No Trash, Just Truth! and 5AM Theology
Through online and in-person Bible studies and conferences.
Through our social media posts.
Proverbs 9:10 is a ministry focused on bringing women to a deeper understanding of God’s Word through reformed, and mostly expository teaching and Bible studies. Knowing the character of God is key to understanding why Jesus came. To comprehend and appreciate who God the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit is, it is necessary to study the scriptures; both the Old Testament and the New Testament. We desire to see women get excited about studying the Word of God and see true transformation in their lives.
Currently we have three books available:
No Half-Truths Allowed – Understanding the Complete Gospel Message
The Bible Blueprint – A Guide to Understanding the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
The Final Exodus – Deciphering the Book of Revelation
Our weekly podcast, No Trash, Just Truth! – 40ish minutes of expository Bible teaching, confronting false teaching, info on cults posing as Christian, and more!
And, 5AM Theology – Short, 10 minute episodes letting you in on what we’ve been discussing each week as we read chronologically through the Bible.
Bible Studies and Conferences
We’re available to speak at conferences and at times offer online Bible studies.
Social Media
Many of our social media posts are designed to teach Biblical truths or link to helpful resources.

We’re Chris Paxson and Rose Spiller
Co-Founders of Proverbs 9:10 Ministries
Helping You Learn God’s Word
About Chris
“I grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. My husband, John and I have been married for 31 years and have twin sons in the USAF. We were recently blessed with a beautiful (inside and out!) daughter-in-law. I enjoy working on the landscaping in our yard, playing golf, and traveling. We’ve had a number of cats and dogs over the years, but only have five cats now.”
About Rose
“My husband, Ed, and I have been married for over 34 years. Our four children and eight grandchildren are spread out in three different states. We currently reside near some of our family in the beautiful state of Indiana, but we spend a lot of time travelling to visit the others. I love to crochet and quilt, but when I’m feeling a little stressed, nothing relaxes me like spending time in the kitchen cooking.”
Why should every Christian study the Bible for themselves?
As followers of the Lord Jesus, we should be motivated to study the Bible in order to continue growing in the things we have learned. We need to deepen our understanding of the backgrounds and contexts of scriptural books in order to better understand and apply to our lives the truths they contain
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who … correctly handles the word of truth”.
– 2 Timothy 2:15
The Bible is too hard for most people to understand.
The sixteenth-century Reformers advocated the perspicuity of Scripture, meaning the Scripture’s clarity. They maintained not that all parts of Scripture are equally clear, but that the Bible is necessarily clear in its basic message. This means that if we can read, we can, with the Spirit’s illumination, grasp the essentials.
The Bible is boring.
The Bible is anything BUT dull and boring! It’s filled with drama, passion, battle scenes, love stories, crime, devotion, dysfunctional families, and even a talking donkey!
I don't have time.
Our ultimate goal as Christians is to be pleasing to God in all of life. A critical part of life for every believer is our handling and understanding of the Bible.
It won't make any difference in my life.
As you study the Word, you learn the nature of God, His character and attributes, and His unfailing love for mankind. You learn He is trustworthy and that you can trust Him.
I really don't need it.
God’s Word is a light and lamp to all who hear and read it. It reorients our thinking so that we can grow in maturity, which is part of the Christian’s calling.