Pro Deo et Patria (For God and Country)

Every July 4th, our nation celebrates its independence. Its citizens show their patriotism in waving flags, fireworks, picnics and parades. Throughout our country, Christians as well as some Christian churches, will join in the celebration of the adoption of the...

Jesus was on My Airplane!

Jesus was on My Airplane!             Having my children living in several different states has made me a frequent flyer. Afterall, I can only go so long without snuggles from those precious grandbabies! I usually...

Chocolate, Cinnamon, and the Gospel

Chocolate, Cinnamon, and the Gospel           I have some gossip to dish on Proverbs 9:10 co-founder, Chris. She is allergic to chocolate, cinnamon, and cola! (I know, so sad!) If she ingests any of these substances, her...

“Hold the Line” When Persecution Comes

Vice President Mike Pence’s commencement speech at Liberty University left the news media saturated with headlines about his ‘warning’ to the Christian university’s graduates to “prepare to be ridiculed” or to “be ready” for persecution. Those graduates who are...

Waterloo and the Crucifixion

Waterlooand the Crucifixion On June 18, 1815, the 68,000-man British army, commandedby Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington went up against Napoleon Bonaparte, self-proclaimed emperorof France and his army 72,000 troops near the village of Waterloo. The Brits...