No Trash, Just Truth! Podcast
Weekly episodes of Biblical Truth! No false teaching, no watered-down theology! It’s time to take out the trash!!
This week's episode!
Episode 288 – Discerning Those
“Sweet Little Lies” – Faith in Action Part 12
“Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.” These aren’t just song lyrics, they are the fondest wish of those who have no desire or discernment for Truth. Why do millions of professing Christians follow false teachers? Why are they so willing and eager to believe their lies when the Truth is right in front of their eyes in Scripture? Why do millions of people listen to Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, Joyce Myers, and so many others thinking they are getting Biblical teaching?Paul tells us why!
Recent Episodes
Episode 287 – A Problematic Church – Faith in Action Part 11
A “Faith in Action,” of a mature believer is recognizing problems in our church, and being a part of solving those problems! How do we better support our Pastor? How can we work to kill the sin of slander, gossip, and the like, amidst the congregation? How can we better prepare ourselves for worship? How can we make sure the Gospel is going forward in our church? And perhaps the biggest question of all, how can we make sure we are part of the solution, and NOT part of the problem ?! Paul has much to tell us in 2 Corinthians chapter 10.
Episode 287
Episode 286 – Sow Generously but Wisely, & Reap Abundantly – Faith in Action Part 10
2 Cor. 9:6 says, “Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” What does this mean exactly? Does this justify people like Jesse DuPlantis and Kenneth Copeland having private airplanes? Does it mean that Paula White, with her mansion in Tampa and penthouse in New York is just reaping bountifully? Does it mean that those of use who are struggling financially, are struggling because we aren’t generous enough? Is the answer to all of our money problems giving more of our money away?
Episode 286
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5AM Theology
Sometimes, you do your best thinking in the wee hours of the morning! Sit in on our morning chats about passages in Scripture with just our Bibles and the notes we write in them!
This week's episode!
Episode 117 – Everybody Knows that God is Real!
Deuteronomy 29
Did you ever think that people who deny the existence of God are just liars? God clearly tells us in Scripture that He makes His existence known to every living person, so they are! They are in denial and lying to themselves. Deuteronomy 29 is a great passage that intersects the sovereignty of God over salvation with the responsibility of man. Join us as we discuss! Be sure to Subscribe to and Like this Podcast so you’ll never miss an episode!
Recent Episodes
Episode 116 – Dude Looks Like a Lady! Deuteronomy 22:5
Does the title of this episode immediately have the Aerosmith song playing in your head? Maybe it brings to mind scenes from the Robin Williams’ movie, Mrs. Doubtfire? Both the song and the movie were meant to be culture anomalies. Sadly, though, today, rather than cross dressing being an anomaly, it’s being pushed to make it an accepted norm. Well, in Deuteronomy 22:5, God has something to say about that!
Episode 116
Episode 115 – Don’t Promise What You Can’t Deliver – Numbers 30
Numbers 30 is full of commands and parameters about vows made by men and women. If a woman made a vow, and her father or husband forbade it immediately, God would release her from that vow. If, however, her husband let her make that vow initially, but later sees that it was too much for her to keep, he could take the consequences of her breaking the vow on himself and release her from it. Before getting angry that women were being treated differently than men, take a listen to what this all really points to!