Books & Conferences

The Final Exodus - Deciphering the Book of Revelation
What is it about the Book of Revelation?! Some treat it like a futuristic comic book. Some consider it is too complex to try and understand. Some worry about getting the interpretation wrong—or worse, get it right! Some read it trying to “break the code,” as if God had John write the book in a secret code expecting Christians to try and crack it. And then there are those who are terrified of the book and the images, so they just avoid it altogether. For them, ignorance is bliss.
The Final Exodus is a theologically sound, scriptural approach to the Book of Revelation.

Watch the Trailer!
When it comes to proclaiming the Gospel message, half-truths, vague notions, and generalizations can be dangerous. What are the important truths we need to know and share with others?
- Is it enough to recite the sinners prayer, or do we need to repent of our sin?
- Is going to church and serving others enough?
- Is God mad at us when we sin and happy when we are behaving? Can we lose our salvation?

The Companion Teaching Video Series and 11 Extra Teaching Videos to go with each week are available on these links.
Also available is the companion No Half-Truths Allowed Study Guide, an interactive study guide with questions and Scriptures to help readers delve even deeper into understanding the complete Gospel message.

Does it seem like there are contradictions in the Bible? Why is there an Old Testament and a New Testament? Does the Old Testament even matter to Christians today?How do the sixty-six books of the Bible fit together? Is there an overarching theme?
If you have asked yourself any of these questions, or others, you are not alone. The Bible Blueprint divides the entire Bible chronologically into six easy to read parts. It provides a basic understanding of Scripture as a complete story that links all the various books together. It gives an overview of each book, touching on highlights and some of the amazing and significant events in each, without the reader getting bogged down in the more difficult sections.
There is no substitute for the actual Bible-it is not only fascinating, it is the life-giving, life-saving, life-transforming Word of God-so The Bible Blueprint is not a replacement for the Bible, but it will whet your appetite to dig deeper into God’s Book for yourself while giving you the confidence to do so!
Watch the official trailer:

Made to Shine!
We were made to shine! We were created with a purpose to reflect the light of God, and to be a beacon to the world around us!
Join us as speakers Chris Paxson and Rose Spiller answer questions such as, what does “light” mean from a Biblical perspective? Where is that light in the worst circumstances? How can our light break through into an ever-darkening world? And more! Come get excited about God’s Word! The three sessions are 1) Let There Be Light – Created for a purpose, 2) Living in the Light – Shining through the Good and Bad, and 3) Let Your Light Shine – Bringing Light to a Dark World. Each speaking time is followed by a small group breakout session with provided questions to help participants share and grow.

The Bible Blueprint: A Guide to Better Understanding the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
Have you been wanting to read the Bible, but feel you wouldn’t understand, so why start? Or have you tried, gotten through the first couple of books and then quit because it wasn’t making sense? Let us help you make sense of the overarching story of the and where all the books fit into the picture with this companion conference to our book, “The Bible Blueprint: A Guide to Better Understanding the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.”
Contact us About scheduling a Conference
If you would like to inquire about us doing a conference, drop us a line! If there is a topic that you would like us to speak on but you don’t see it here, let’s talk about it!