We are excited to welcome Christine Paxson and Rose Spiller of Proverbs 9:10 Ministries as Ambassador authors! Look for their book “No-Half Truths Allowed: Understanding the Full Gospel Message” in 2019.

When it comes to proclaiming the Gospel message, half-truths, vague notions, and generalizations can be dangerous. What are the important truths we need to know and share with others? Is it enough to believe that God loves us and wants a relationship with us? Is it enough to “ask Jesus into our hearts?” Is it enough to recite the “sinner’s prayer,” or do we need to repent of our sin? Is going to church and serving others enough? Is what Jesus suffered more than a gruesome death on a cross? If Jesus, who is fully God was crucified, did God die on Good Friday? Is God mad at us when we sin and happy when we’re behaving? Can we lose our salvation?

If you’re not sure of the answers to some of these questions, you are not alone. There are a lot of false ideas out there about Christianity and the Gospel. Join us as “No Half Truths Allowed: Understanding the Full Gospel Message” explores the answers to these and many other questions about the true Gospel message. Learn what Jesus did for you, why He did it, and how you can articulate the Gospel to others.

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